Pre-exposure Prophylaxis
PrEP is when you do not have HIV, but take medication which can reduce the chances of getting HIV by 99%. PrEP medication needs to be prescribed by a doctor.

PrEP is a good option for people who are at risk of HIV. This includes HIV negative partners of people who are positive, and gay or bisexual men who struggle with consistent condom use. Also, if you are planning to travel to a country where there is a high prevalence of HIV and think there is a chance you will have sex without a condom, PrEP could be right for you.
Daily PrEP or PrEP 2-1-1
There are currently two recommended ways of taking PrEP, Daily PrEP or PrEP 2-1-1. Both ways are similarly effective, provided you stick to using them exactly as prescribed by your doctor.
Daily PrEP
When taken on a daily basis, PrEP ensures there is enough anti-HIV medication in the body to significantly reduce the risk of becoming infected with HIV if exposed during condomless sex.
PrEP 2-1-1
Sometimes known as ‘event-driven PrEP’ or ‘on-demand PrEP’, this is a good option for those who are having infrequent sexual encounters or who only need to take PrEP for a short time.
How do I get PrEP?
You will need a prescription from a General Practitioner (GP) or Nurse Practitioner (NP) to prescribe PrEP. Not all doctors can prescribe PrEP. The doctor will do an HIV test to make sure you do not already have HIV and may also do a kidney check-up. Once you start a course of PrEP, you will need to check-in with your doctor every 3 months to make sure everything is going well.