Photo of two people holding condom packets


Condoms are the easiest way to protect yourself against HIV, most other STIs and unplanned pregnancy.

Close-up photo of a blue PrEP pill in someone's hand


Pre-exposure Prophylaxis

PrEP is when you do not have HIV, but take medication which can reduce the chances of getting HIV by 99%.

Close-up photo of someone doing a finger-prick test for HIV

Get tested.
It’s Better2Know.

It is Better2Know to help protect others and if you test positive, you can go on medication.

Close-up photo of someone holding a pill in their hand, with a bottle of pills in the background

HIV treatment

Taking HIV medication can help to control the virus so you can live a long and healthy life.

Photo of a sand timer


Post-exposure Prophylaxis

PEP is when you take medicine to stop HIV after you think you may have been exposed to HIV.